We travelled from Germany into Luxembourg...pretty much because it was just down the road a bit! As one would expect, because it is bordered by other much larger countries, it features architectural styles and customs from all of its neighbours.
The neighbours haven't always been friendly though, and Luxembourg has belonged to most of them at one time or another during its history. It has its share of grand statues and common spaces.
It used to have a castle that has been bombed to bits over the years, leaving just a few sad ruins. The older part of town began in this deep valley that is now a pretty park, transversed by very tall bridges.

Next door in Belgium...Brussels has retained many of its grand buildings and churches.
The main square has magnificent examples of older architecture, quite different from the Swiss, French and German styles that we have seen.
Apparently, a Brussels 'must do' is to visit the statue of the peeing boy. Huge crowds flock to see this tiny little fountain in the shopping streets and he has hundreds of different types of souvenirs made in his honour. I don't know what all the fuss is about, really!
Wow you've been everywhere man tralalala
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