Saturday 2 July 2011

Pussycat, pussycat, where have you been...

I've been to London to visit the Queen...but she wasn't there. Apparently she's at Balmoral in Scotland for her Summer break. She had plenty of visitors, though, as you can see.


Anonymous said...

Dot Dot, looks as though you may not have got my last message - I'm old and a novice at this. Glad you're enjoying England's week of summer. Important news from the home front - Queensland won their rugby semi against the Auckland Blues, so have the home final next Saturday. Unbelievable! Their opponents will be the winner of Crusaders (Christchurch team) who play the Stormers from Capetown later tonight. Ciao for now. V

Anonymous said...

What have done with my cynical friend, this imposter sounds like a tourist enjoying the sights and sounds of a new country.Remember you will have to come home at some point. Gilesy